La Compañía de este Chino sonriente, decidió piratearse el logotipo del IMSS

Pueden ir a su página: http://giordon.com.cn/ o enviarles un mail a giordon@giordon.com y decirles que no sean piratas.
Esto es lo que nos mandaron los chinos como respuesta a los mails:
Dear All,
Many thanks for inform us immediately about such embarrassing conflict! We really feel sorry about this!We are an electronic product manufacturer established in year 1994, 2years after our establishment we invited an advertising company to design a logo for us, which should be related to our brand name EAGLE, an image of power and capability for our car alarm system. Then this logo was born and registered as our sole company logo till now. We were not notified even when we did registration in China and over 10 countries worldwide that this logo has been occupied. Our managing board would not choose this logo if know this logo is in use already. We admit we lack ability in our logo identification.We must say thanks to all of you for your soonest information, especial Jaime who is the first one we receive message from on Jan.24 morning. From that moment, we tried to contact with that advertising company, unfortunately we were confirmed that company stopped running for years. We couldn't question them what's the matter with this logo. But for sure, we, Giordon, never intend to use same logo as others, it's no good to our business. In the past 8years we spend a lot of time and cost in building our company image with this logo. We won't waste like this if we have been knowing the fact. As a capable manufacturer, we pay close attention to our image as much as our product quality.We feel sorry that such unexpected coincidence actually happened to us! What we can do now is to hold any of our products with this logo from Mexican market. Although we will lose a lot from this action, we still have great willingness to protect IMSS's copyright in Mexico. We guarantee this!
Best regards,
Huifang Chen

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