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Sunday, October 03, 2010

-En un seminario de economistas, dos de ellos conversan...
Uno pide opinión a otro:
- ¿Cómo crees que ha afectado la revolución francesa el crecimiento económico mundial?
- Demasiado pronto para decirlo
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Saturday, April 17, 2010
just hangin' arround the world...
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Monday, February 08, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Matemáticas !!!!

Si las matemáticas y la ciencia ocuparan el puesto de la religión y la superstición en las escuelas primarias y secundarias, el mundo se convertiría en un lugar más sensato, y la vida más digna de ser vivida. Que cada uno aporte, pues, su contribución, grande o pequeña, para que esto suceda, para mayor gloria del Espíritu Humano. Impertinente, en sentido literal, es quien “no pertenece”: por ejemplo, a una política, una religión o una filosofía. Y, al no pertenecer, suscita los resentimientos y la rabia de aquellos que, al pertenecer, lo tachan de arrogante o insolente.

Saturday, January 23, 2010
La Felicidad es igual a E (M+B+P) dividido por R+C, donde E es la emoción al comienzo y al final del proyecto; M, el Mantenimiento y atención al detalle; B, el Disfrute de la búsqueda y la expectativa; y, P, las relaciones personales; R son los factores reductores y C la carga heredada.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Social welfare for the unemployed

I was always told that social welfare for the unemployed is not good for the country. It encourages people to not work and we will not progress. And it will be a burden on the society to feed them. However, as I grow older, this theory seems to carry less water.

Firstly, not many people will want to live a whole life with the measly income from the social welfare. Most people will want to progress, and to progress is to get a good career.

Secondly, I find a situation where having social welfare for unemployment will be good for both employer and employee. Assume my company want me to take on a new responsibility which will involve certain effort to prepare me for it. At that moment, I am already looking for other jobs outside and once I found it, I will leave. If I take up the offer and leave soon after that will be a waste of time and effort spent on preparing me for the new role. But I can't tell my company that. Who will tell their company that? Until I found my new job will I be comfortable enough to tell my company right? Or when my company tells me about the plan for me, and it's not agreeable to me, I can't tell them yet either. What can be a good reason for rejecting a work assignment? I can only accept it and silently start looking.

If there's social welfare, my concerns will be gone. I can tender my resignation when I feel like it and look for a new job. If I can't find one before I leave the company, there's still income for me while I was hunting job.

I am sure there are other benefits to social welfare. And there will be bad points as well. But if there's benefits, then it's worth more investigation and try to streamline it enough to be useful.

Ideas that are not perfect are not bad ideas.
Saturday, January 02, 2010

Algo que he podido constatar, más cuando estoy en la universidad, es que en cualquier ámbito **el genio se compone del dos por ciento de talento y del noventa y ocho por ciento de perseverante aplicación**
